
5 Things You Need To Know Before Becoming an Administrative Assistant

There’s a general perception that administrative assistants are not essential to a company’s functioning, which is why a lot of people let assistant job opportunities pass by. This idea could not be farther from the truth!

Administrative assistants do everything and anything that needs to be done, and they do it at any time of the day. Their main job is to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Here are just some tasks an assistant regularly does.

Ringing Off The Hook

A busy professional in a managerial role probably gets like 50 calls a day. Nobody could ever get any work done if all they did was make calls and screen the useful ones from the irrelevant ones. Administrative assistants are often chained to their desks to make sure that they answer all necessary calls on an urgent basis and keep things running.

Bending Time To Your Will

An essential part of an assistant’s job is to set up appointments and manage schedules. Only an assistant would know when and where meetings are happening, simultaneously or otherwise. The havoc that gets wreaked when there aren’t any assistants to make sure everyone’s necessary appointments aren’t clashing is unimaginable.

Organizational Magic

Skilled assistants will always set up an amazingly neat filing system so that all the documents are for future use. For example, an HR assistant will make sure to square away all the resumes the department receives for future use. This provides the firm with impeccable records about all their work.

Keeping Track of Supplies

When there’s nobody to keep track of supplies and equipment, all productivity can halt to a stop. An assistant is a go-to person for all problems with equipment maintenance and purchasing, as well as about office supplies. Assistants make sure the pantry is stocked, there is ample crockery in the kitchen and that there’s never a shortage of paper and pens.

staffing agency Paterson NJ

Logistical Support

Assistants work extremely hard to do all the grunt work for any conference or work trips. They’re often responsible for ticket bookings, calling taxis, booking hotel rooms, making reservations at restaurants or getting venues. They do all of this in addition to keeping a paper trail of all the bookings they make so that the Finance department can keep track with ease.

This isn’t even half of how much work an assistant has to deal with every day. Assistants are their organizations’ heroes, because of how amazingly flexible they have to be with everything thrown at them. It’s all of this on-the-job learning that makes assistants valuable workers that can’t be replaced.

If this piques your interest, you should reach out to our professional staffing agency Paterson NJ consultants at Superior Staffing in Paterson NJ. We’re always invested in helping out people from our community who are looking for work. Call us at (973) 866-5166 for an appointment on an urgent basis.

By | 2022-07-11T06:25:08+00:00 April 13th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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