
Going the Distance: How to Hire and Manage a Virtual Team During The Second Wave Of COVID-19

Since the coronavirus emerged, we’ve seen many businesses adapt their infrastructures to remote working to eliminate the risk of virus transmission among employees. Companies that were already familiar with remote teams are thriving amid the pandemic-induced lockdown.

However, a majority of them are still struggling to hire virtual teams and supervising them efficiently. If you find yourself in the same boat, you still have it under control. All you need to do is follow this guide or connect with a reliable office staffing agency in Paterson.

How to Recruit Potential Candidates Remotely

Remote work and virtual communication are beneficial for both employees and employers in most cases, but some candidates may not be comfortable with it. When scrolling through different applications and taking online interviews from countless candidates, you need to focus on the following things:

  • Does the candidate have the capacity for self-management and self-motivation?
  • Is the candidate willing to communicate proactively?
  • Does the candidate have the ability to perform well in an unsupervised work arrangement?
  • How focused and disciplined is the candidate?
  • Does the candidate have the capacity for time management and creating a work-life balance?

To check whether a potential candidate will be apt for a remote work infrastructure, inquire them about real-life example when asked to handle a project from home and how efficiently they performed. Ask them how they managed the communication barrier and dealt with other challenges of working remotely.

However, not all candidates will have prior work-from-home experience. In this case, you can give them a situation and evaluate their ability to perform tasks remotely based on their answer.

You could ask, “If you were to lead a team remotely for a project, what strategies would you adopt to ensure smooth communication and target achievement?”

Text Box: Image filename: virtual-interview-for-a-job
Image alt-text: A candidate giving a virtual interview for a remote job.
Make sure you’re checking references for all the potential candidates for remote work. Talk to their prior employees about their time management, performance efficiency, reliability, and work-from-home experience. It will reveal a lot about how well they will manage remote work in the future.

Tips for Successfully Managing a Virtual Team

 When you’re done recruiting and selecting your remote employees, it’s time for the next step: supervising your remote team. You will have to manage employees working at different locations, and maybe even varying time zones. How will you use the technology for smooth communication? Which platforms will you use? What strategies will you use to make up for the lack of onsite team-building parties and other events?

Here are some tips that will help simplify virtual team management for you.

Be Available for Your New Recruits

Your virtual employees may have several questions in their first few days, and they won’t be able to talk to you in person. So make sure you provide them with your contact information and that of their immediate supervisors, senior team members, and IT and HR department.

Don’t Forget the Digital Starter Pack

Before your remote team gets onboard, provide them with a digital package comprising guides to help them understand the company’s values and work culture. It should also have training materials to help specific to their job roles, and introductory guide about the team.

Video Call Introduction is a Must

Introduce the new remote team with their senior teammates over a conference call. You can use Skype, Google Meet, or Zoom for this purpose.

If it all sounds difficult to you, we have your back. At Superior Staffing, we offer a range of quality recruitment services in Paterson, including office staffing, skilled labor staffing, industrial labor staffing, food production staffing, and back-office support staffing.

Fill out the employer form to get started or reach out to us for more information!

By | 2022-03-31T13:23:45+00:00 September 14th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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